As the construction industry returns to work, following the easing of the Covid 19 lockdown, the number of construction disputes is expected to rise. TECSA’s panels of adjudicators for low and higher value disputes are ideally suited to determine such disputes. They are widely recognised as being of the highest calibre and include retired judges, specialist construction lawyers and chartered industry professionals, with considerable expertise in resolving legally and factually complex disputes, fairly, quickly and cost-effectively.
In particular, TECSA’s adjudicators are well placed to decide disputes relating to:
- the interruption of construction works and the additional costs arising from it;
- delays to times for deliveries and dates for completion or sectional completion;
- the operation of extension of time, payment and performance mechanisms;
- claims regarding force majeure, frustration, the exercise of statutory powers or changes in the law;
- claims regarding repudiation or termination of contracts;
- claims for damages, including delay or liquidated damages;
- insolvencies within the contractual chain and calls upon guarantees or performance securities; and
- claims for emergency relief.
For more information regarding TECSA’s adjudication services, please contact TECSA’s adjudicator sub-committee contact, Andrew James –, and if you wish to use TECSA as an adjudicator nominating body, full information of how to do so is available here.